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Seminary and Church

Date Title Rating
September 11th, 2018 English Sacred/Secular Divide and Theological Education--The West (Article 5)
September 11th, 2018 English Sacred/Secular Divide and Theological Education--Asia (Article 4)
September 11th, 2018 English Sacred/Secular Divide and Theological Education--Latin America (Article 3)
September 11th, 2018 English The Sacred/Secular Divide and Theological Education--Africa (Article 2)
September 11th, 2018 English The Great Divide (Article 1)
August 27th, 2014 English My Dream for Theological Education Which Resources the Global Church
August 27th, 2014 English My Dream for Theological Education That Reflects the Equality of the Body of Christ
August 27th, 2014 English Theological Education as Service to Christ’s Church
January 17th, 2014 English Generational Transitions in Ethnic Minority Culture
January 17th, 2014 English The Ecosystem of Theological Education
November 23rd, 2012 English Commemorating John Stott
August 2nd, 2012 English Missing Connections: Public Perceptions of Theological Education and Religious Leadership
January 20th, 2012 English The missional essence of theological education
January 13th, 2012 English Is There a Problem? Theological Students and Religious Leadership for the Future
December 15th, 2011 Français L’Avenir Est Arrivé: L’Education Theologique dans un Monde Changé
December 15th, 2011 English The Future Has Arrived-Changing Theological Education in a Changed World
December 15th, 2011 English Evangelical theological education in a globalised world
December 15th, 2011 English Church ministry formation in protestant theological education: the contemporary debate in Kerala, India
December 11th, 2011 English Emerging Church and Theological Education
December 10th, 2011 English Rooted in History, Yet Engaged with the Present
June 9th, 2010 English Theological education in relation to missional outreach
June 8th, 2010 English Managing the tension Church vs. Academy
June 4th, 2010 English Theological Education and the Global Evangelical Community (2)
June 4th, 2010 English Theological Education and the Global Evangelical Community (1)
June 4th, 2010 English Serving Contextual Communities: The Bond Model (Part 2)